Synod Convention 2023:

Wondering what the Synod is doing at the end of July and beginning of August (July 29th-August 3rd)?

Our Synod runs on a triennium system of leadership elections and discussion. This go around because of the pandemic the triennium was extended and the convention is taking place this summer in 2023 instead of 2022 the last convention was held in 2019. 

Pastor Wacker was chosen to represent our circuit and district at the convention this summer. Any Questions please reach out to him.

This convention will elect synod officials, decide on resolutions, and make suggestions to the congregations of synod (such as Trinity) on ways to serve and walk together as Synod.

The only election not done during the convention is that of President which took place earlier in June. President Harrison was elected to his 5th term as Synod president. If you would like to know more details on the Synod election click this link:

You can also find out information about those who have been nominated to other positions of Synod.

Proposed Resolutions for 2023 Convention:

Earlier in June there were floor committees who met to talk about overtures proposed by our synod’s districts and congregations about various concerns, issues, and matters of Synod.  They responded to those overtures with resolutions and suggested changes to overtures and the Synod put them together in this document link here with those changes and resolutions. these will be voted on by Synod at the concerns. if you would like to share your opinions on these topics and resolutions with Pastor Wacker please send him an email at

To read the document click the image above that says “Today’s Business”.


During the week+ of the convention you can join in a couple ways.

1. By watching the procedings and services live at this link:

2. By following the votes on the synod leaders and resolutions at this link:

and this link

3. National Offering-
Each Triennium the Synod puts together a special offering that is collected throughout the next Triennium and you can start giving now by following the information this link: